PA Arabs declare they are not citizens of Israel

Kafr Aqeb: A shooting took place on the backdrop of the intention to introduce an Israeli curriculum into the school, in place of the PA study plan. Essentially declaring the Arabs are not Israeli citizens and do not want to follow the rule of the land. So why are they here ? Why is our government allowing this ??

Palestinian Authority officials are in Saudi Arabia, presenting a list of “demands”  in advance of the expected normalization with Israel. The PA demands to see some Areas C, currently under full Israeli control in Judea and Samaria, become Area B, i.e., under PA civil control. It also wants a full-fledged American consulate in Jerusalem, acting as a US embassy to the Palestinian Authority. The PA Arabs are trying their best to stop normalization with Saudi Arabia or any Arab country.

A general strike in the Arab sector throughout Israel – called because of the authorities’ impotence in the face of increasing inter-Arab violence that has claimed the lives of nearly 170 Arabs this year. No one is striking in Jerusalem. This is yet another demonstration of the separate and unique identity of the Arabs of Jerusalem. They don’t see themselves as Israeli-Arabs, but on the other hand, also do not want to live again under Arab or Palestinian rule.

  1. We have received Initial reports that the PA is conducting a criminal investigation against a Ramallah-based company that conducted engineering and geographic planning for the evacuation and demolition of Khan el-Akhmar. The company’s heads are said to be “close” to senior PA figures, and when news of the investigation leaked, it caused a scandal that forced the company to close down.

Khan el-Akhmar is an illegal Bedouin encampment between Maaleh Adumim and Jerusalem, which the government resolved five years ago (!) to take down. Even the Supreme Court has ordered, more than once, that the demolition be carried out (though it ruled in May that “now” is not the right time).
The very strategic location is surrounded by Jewish-populated or IDF areas on all four sides, which are thus blocked off from expanding and engaging with each other. The PA, too, as we reported in our Spotlight report in February, sees this spot as strategically critical, enabling contiguity with Jericho. The PA knows it as Bawabat Al-Quds, which means “Gates Jerusalem.” The struggle for this area is one whose results will determine the future of Jerusalem; that is, whoever loses in the desert [the Judean Desert] will lose also the mountain [the Temple Mount].

So if you haven’t gotten the message yet, PA Arabs declare they are not citizens of Israel and undermine us as an enemy within our country. Again, so why are they here ? Why is our government allowing this ??

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